Daniel Hess
Mar 20, 2021
Asra [Caio Cortonesi, Brazil, 2018]
Asra delivers a beautifully honest and compelling story that tackles subjects not just strikingly uncommon in cinema...
Daniel Hess
Mar 19, 2021
One Last Bite [John Ferrer, UK, 2020]
The roots of the zombie sub-genre in horror cinema can be traced all the way back to White Zombie [Victor Halperin, USA, 1932], with the...
Adam Donald
Mar 18, 2021
Eddie’s Reel [Will Haynes, UK, 2020]
This fast, swiftly edited drama explores the inner demons of Eddie Blaze (Steve Caswell), an under-appreciated alcoholic stuntman...
Daniel Hess
Mar 18, 2021
8 ¾ [Shawn M. Cheatham, USA, 2020]
Film always has and always will have the power to transcend simple moving images to create an honest reflection of life. No director was...
Sarthak Kaul
Mar 18, 2021
The Cycle [Weronika Mliczewska, USA , 2015]
They say that a man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous. Weronika Mliczewska’s The Cycle sets out to augment that adage slightly,...
Natalia Brammen
Mar 17, 2021
Clown [Shane O'Neill, Republic of Ireland/UK, 2021]
The American film critic and theoretician, Bill Nichols, once said that non-fiction stories could be about almost anything.
Adam Donald
Mar 16, 2021
Library [Kaveh Kanani, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2020]
Library (Fingils) is a short, sweet, and simple animation from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Set in a world inhabited by animals...
Sharleen Opia
Mar 16, 2021
Close Away [Miguel Ángel Cardona, Spain, 2020]
Close Away (Cerca de Lejos) illustrates the evolving nature of human sexual interactions; highly topical in an age of physical isolation...
Luca di-Maio
Mar 3, 2021
Quiet Moments [Lucy Birnie, UK, 2021]
Pandemic filmmaking is a real phenomenon that is spawning some quality cinema from hardy creatives that are bending over backwards...
Dean Archibald-Smith
Jan 5, 2021
Soyka [Anastasiya Sergienya, USA, 2020]
Anna is a bird that has flown the nest. A Belarusian immigrant finding her way in the bustling metropolis of New York City...