Brochures for SFFF2024

The audience arriving for Programme Two

Dean giving an introduction to Programme Two at Close-Up Cinema

Audience watching 'Teddy Mate' during our 14th September screening at Close-Up Cinema

Our poster in the front window of Close-Up Cinema

Leaving the cinema after Day 1 of screenings

Audience during the intro of our second screening

Audience preparing for an afternoon of fantastic short films

Audience settling down in The Box at FACT Liverpool for the third and final day of Short Focus Film Festival 2019.

Audience await the screening of eight brilliant shorts at FACT Liverpool

Audience members arriving for screening at FACT Liverpool

Our festival programme on the streets of Liverpool

Festival Directors Aya and Dean

The audience getting ready to watch our program of short films

Guests arriving for Programme Two

Dean popped in to Hoxton Radio to talk about FRAME LIGHT with the lovely team on the Hoxton Movies show.